Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology

Submit Manuscript

Instruction for Authors (3-step submission process)

1. Before your submission

Aims and scope

Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology (AJO, Asia-Pac J Oncol, p-ISSN: 2708-7980, e-ISSN: 2708-7999) is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal, published by Asian Medical Press in London, UK. It is published biannually and is openly distributed worldwide. AJO publishes the results of novel research in the laboratory and clinical settings including risk assessment, cellular and molecular characterization, prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of human oncology with the overall goal of improving the clinical care of patients with tumor. It covers some main human tumor types: cerebral tumor, head and neck neoplasm, thoracic neoplasms, breast caner, gastrointestinal cancer, urologic oncology, bone tumour and other any neoplasms types in human. The journal currently focuses on publishing some reviews and original articles with popular directions and high scientific-reference value to physiopathology, diagnosis and treatment of oncology. Peer-reviewed manuscript types include reviews, original reports, clinical trial, systematic review, mini review, mini review, perspectives/ opinions, and letters or comments.

Publication fees

Currently, every accepted manuscript is free to be published in our journal. There is no charge for the review or publication process for any submitted manuscript.


Some remuneration will be paid to our reviewers and authors to obtain more support from them. A total of 400 dollars (USD) will be paid to the corresponding author or the first author for every accepted manuscript. The author from the editorial board will be paid an extra 200 dollars (USD). A total of 100 dollars (USD) will be paid to the reviewer to give pertinent comments on submitted manuscripts.

Copyright and permission

The Asian Medical Press (London, UK) reserves copyrights of all published online articles. During the process of manuscript submission, a copyright transfer agreement must be signed by the author who represents all authors listed on the paper. Asian Medical Press (London, UK) retains permission of each published online article, and any person or institution is forbidden from using the idea, text or data from published articles for a financial purpose. Currently, all published online articles on the Asian Medical Press website are open access to readers worldwide.

License policies

Creative Commons License
Articles published in AJO are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-ND). The authors and readers can download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles in AJO, so long as the original authors and source are cited. But it is forbid to use our works for commercial purposes or distribute it after remixed, transformed, or built. To know more about creative commons license policies on the website (

2. Preparing your submission
See our movie tutorial for instructions on preparing a manuscript

Preparing a manuscript for submission to AJO (Click here).

Manuscript template documents

Manuscript template for AJO (Download).
EndNote style for AJO references (Download).

Acceptable article types

  • Original Research - It is acceptable for any original research to identify tumours in the clinic or laboratory with a scientific-reference value. There is a maximum word count of 12,000 and no more than 15 Figures/Tables for the peer-reviewed original research articles. Format requirement: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.

  • Reviews - Authors are encouraged to submit a review on a broad topic of general interest in oncology. It should be well referenced, with at least 4000 words (excluding references) and a minimum of 80 references. Reviews should include 1-6 figures, diagrams or schematics. Format requirement: Abstract, Introduction, Subsections relevant for the subject, Discussion or Conclusions.

  • Clinical Trial - Articles describe the results of interventional studies related to oncology diseases. These articles can include pilot studies, safety and efficacy trials, surrogate endpoint studies, and proof-of concept studies. There is no strict numbers restriction for words, tables and Figures. Format requirement: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion. All clinical trials should be registered in a public trials registry to be considered for publication, and authors should be compliant with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT).

  • Systematic Review - Systematic Review articles present a synthesis of previous research, and use clearly defined methods to identify, categorize, analyze and report aggregated evidence on a specific topic. Included in this article type are meta-syntheses, meta-analyses, mapping reviews, scoping reviews, systematic reviews, and systematic reviews with a meta-analysis. There is a maximum word count of 12,000 and may contain no more than 15 Figures/Tables for the Peer-reviewed Systematic Review articles to clearly define the research question in terms of population, interventions, comparators, outcomes and study designs (PICOS), and state used reporting guidelines. It should conform to the reporting guidelines (e.g., PRISMA, Cochrane, Campbell), and include the PRISMA flow diagram Format requirement: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.

  • Mini Review - Articles cover focused aspects of a current area of investigation and its recent developments. They offer a succinct and clear summary of the topic, allowing readers to get up-to-date on new developments and/or emerging concepts, as well as discuss the following: Different schools of thought or controversies, Current research gaps, Potential future developments in the field. There is a maximum word count of 3,000 and no more than 2 Figures/Tables for the peer-reviewed Mini Reviews articles. Format requirement: Abstract, Introduction, Subsections relevant for the subject, Discussion or Conclusions.

  • Case Reports - Case Reports highlight unique oncology cases of human patients that present with an unexpected/ diagnosis, treatment outcome, or clinical course. There is a maximum word count of 3,000 and no more than 4 display items (figures, tables, or videos) for the peer-reviewed Case Reports. Authors should follow the CARE guidelines and submit a completed CARE checklist as a supplementary file (template available here: Format requirement: Abstract, Introduction, Case description, A figure or table showcasing a timeline with relevant data from the episode of care, Diagnostic assessment, details on the therapeutic intervention, follow-up and outcomes, as specified in the CARE guidelines, Discussion. Written informed consent from the patients (or their legal representatives) should be provided for the publication checklist. All Case Reports should carry the title “Case Report: ‘area of focus’”. More information on CARE guidelines here:

  • Perspectives/ Opinions - Perspective articles present a viewpoint on a specific area of investigation. Discuss current advances and future directions; Clear presentation of the authors’ perspective; Accurate presentation and citations of other authors’ work; May include original data as well as personal insights and opinions. There is a maximum word count of 3,000 and no more than 2 Figures/Tables for the peer-reviewed Perspective articles. Format requirement: Abstract, Introduction, Subsections relevant for the subject, Discussion.

  • Letters or Comments - Brief letters or Commentary articles provide critical comments on a previous publication at AJO. Brief letters or comments are welcomed (no more than 1000 words and two figures or tables) on recently published articles in the journal.

Brief contents summary for a manuscript

  • Title page - The title page should contain the complete title, each author's name, their institutional affiliation and their e-mail address.
  • Abstract - The abstract should be "structured" as background, methods, results, and conclusion in original papers but not in review articles or letters.
  • Key words - 3 to 5 key words are required.
  • Main text - Should include the key components of the work, normally divided into sections and described by short headings. This section contains the introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion for original research articles.
  • Ethical policy - Authors must provide approved ethical claims from relative official agents if their research involves animals experiment or/and human participants.
  • Authors' contribution - Briefly clarify every author’s role in the submitted manuscript.
  • Competing interests - Authors must state whether there are competing interests in a submission among any of the authors.
  • Funding - Information about financial support, including the source and number of grants, must be included for each author.
  • Acknowledgements - Provided to thank those who have contributed to the research but whose roles were do not warrant authorship.
  • References - Please use the journal EndNote style for references using EndNote software (details provided in our template documents). Click here to see the reference rule.
  • Figure legends - Begin with a brief title for the entire figure and continue with a short description of each panel, defining scale bars and abbreviations used (if any). Please do not write the caption below each figure. All figure captions should be listed one after the other here.
  • Tables - In tables, footnotes are preferable to long explanatory material in either the heading or body of the table. Such explanatory footnotes, identified by superscript letters, should be placed immediately below the table. Tables should be inserted at the end of the manuscript text.
  • Figures - Figure should be sized as follows: Maximum width within single column, 80 mm. Maximum width within double column, 160 mm. High-resolution figures (300 x 300 dpi) should be saved in the following formats: TIFF/JPEG or EPS, which can be edited. Figures should be submitted as separate files along with the main text word document.


Every submitted manuscript will be checked to identify whether it is original according to the COPE guidelines. Manuscript with plagiarism including any form of copying (text, images, data, idea) without a proper attribution will be not accepted during the peer-review process or retracted after publication. Click here to see our policy on anti-plagiarism.

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interests occur when authors, reviewers or editors have financial (e.g., employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony) or personal relationships which will have an effect on their scientific judgment. These financial or personal relationships and academic competition must be declared. The authors can declare conflicts of interest and sources of financial support as acknowledgment. The authors are responsible for presenting a detailed conflicts of interest statement in the end of their main text, even if there are no conflicts to disclose. Click here to see our policies on conflict of interest.

Human and animal rights ethical statement

All research involving human participants and animal work must have been approved by the authors' institutional review board or equivalent committee(s) and that board must be named by the authors in the manuscript. For research involving human participants, informed consent must have been obtained (or the reason for lack of consent explained, e.g. the data were analyzed anonymously) and all clinical investigations must have been conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. For a research involving in animals experiments, at the beginning of the Methods section of your manuscript (with the subheading Ethics Statement) enter: "Investigation has been conducted in accordance with the ethical standards and according to the Declaration of Helsinki and according to national and international guidelines and has been approved by the [authors' institutional review board]."

Informed consent

Patients in the research have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. Please let us know in the manuscript that whether you have made patients in your research be informed consent.

3. Processing for your submission

Manuscript delivery address

Text, figure legends and tables should all be presented in an electronic word document in a logical order according to the manuscript template. Figures should be submitted as separate files along with the word document. All manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial office via the online submission system. Manuscript may be submitted to us by editorial office E-mail ( if the online submission is unsuccessful.

Policies of peer review and editorial workflow

Click here to see our policies on peer review.

Click here to see the details on editorial workflow.

Click here to see the guidelines for reviewers.


Proofs will be sent to the authors by e-mail in one month since their articles are accepted. The authors should return the proofs with collections within 7 days.


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